Here is your first taste of what will be an overload of media on this build.
This rifle is something I have wanted to build for years, but never committed the time or funds to do. It's not even 100% where I would like it, but I would say it's about 70% period accurate or so as it nears completion.
In it's final state, a Laser Products/Surefire 660P will be taped to the handguard, and the rifle spray painted. Even after all of the research, can't tell if period correct would use a barrel clamp, FSB clamp, or tape to the handguard.

In this current state, it is representing a Colt 733 more accurately. While a Colt 733 or M16A2 commando would use an 11.5" barrel, this is equipped with a 10.3" barrel from Centurion Arms featuring their .069 gas port for the dedicated suppressor use. Because of my intention to do dedicated and direct thread the Silencerco Hybrid, I opted for this crane spec styled barrel to reduce overall gas back to the shooter. It has an A2 non F marked FSB with a Blitzkrieg Components Chevron front post. The correct version would use a 14.5" barrel fitted with a Allen Engineering M4/AEM5/Otter Creek Labs OCM5. These are reflex type suppressors that sleeve over. I don't have the the ability to commit to that suppressor or a MK12 mod0 build currently for it to make sense for me.
Some discrepancies are out there regarding "clones," inspired builds, and so forth. But, overall I tried to go for period correct as possible versus "movie" correct. Granted this can be doubled as a HEAT 733, the end goal is in fact to be a Gordon Clone from Gothic Serpent (known to most as Black Hawk Down). I will most likely build a budget M16A2 to use as a display mount for my signed buttstock from Todd Blackburn.
Colt 723/733's are debated between, but the Colt 723 would be proper. The A1 rear sight from a Colt C7 upper or M16A1E1 is technically correct while in the movie they used an A2. The upper would feature a round forward assist, brass deflector, M16A2 barrel nut and collar, triangular handguard cap (which I forgot to use). The handguard would also feature 8 holes versus 6/7, as they were cut down to fit. Instead of using a Colt BCG, I opted to use the Centurion Arms hard chrome with sand rail cuts. I also upgraded a subtle LMT tactical charging handle. I felt these were "unseen" upgrades that would not effect the overall aesthetic.
For the lower I chose the Bad Attitude Department due to the fact they have tribute lowers, and from research the M16A2 lowers were stamped but did not bear large roll marks from major manufacturers that you commonly see. I also chose them due to their offering of the NFA engraving before even shipping it out to me. Built out with a reproduction 2 position tube from Brownell's, an original aluminum CAR15 stock hand me down, and an ALG LPK. Obviously mine is not NFA regulated, but the Burst marking I thought would be the appropriate aesthetic touch versus the M16A2 lowers that do not feature it, or the ones that show "auto" when it in fact would have been burst.
One of the best parts was hunting down the Aimpoint 3000. I had been hunting for a 3000/5000 for awhile, and I had missed opportunities back in 2017 or so to purchase. I took a gamble and purchased one that needed a battery, and sure enough it turned right on for me. Being the way that I am, I offered to trade it for a black one in worse condition, or a spray painted one plus cash so that an original silver one could in fact survive another builder. As they become more rare and hard to find, I was hoping to preserve the old school technology. It's clamped down by Leupold Rifleman rings mounted on top of a Smith Enterprise carry handle mount. There are so many variations in the market, while ARMS is the actual, this version seemed to match the best to the style and period correctness versus just slapping on any other found in the market.
The Surefire light is sitting in a bin at this time with pressure switch and the larger tailcap that features the female plug and the push button. I spent around a month trying to determine if the P6 or 660 were correct, and even then if it was the flat sided 660 or the rounded body 660. I'm currently debating if the light is supposed to be mounted on the handguard, or the FSB/barrel, and whether they would have mounted at the 6 o'clock position or in a more modern position we use today.
Not pictured is our chosen sling. We opted for a Edgar Sherman in Desert Tiger Stripe. We may try another brand such as Flatline Fiber Co as they do offer DCU, but we wanted to support Edgar Sherman as we have about 8 slings in our collection from ESD.
During our initial firing, if you had seen on our story, we tested ejection patterns using a combination of parts. We tried a Spikes T2 buffer and a Noveske H2 buffer. We used a Sprinco blue spring, Sprinco white spring, and a Griffin 15% (recommended for suppressor use). We still haven't settled on which will be our final choice at this time. All combinations seemed to work pretty well.
Thanks for checking out the progress. We'll be back with more on this as we do the updates and move it to it's final stage.
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